Sabtu, 02 Januari 2016

Download Ebook WAR

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 7 hours and 21 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Hachette Audio Release Date: May 11, 2010

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

This is an amazing read. I have friends that are unable to wrap their minds around the concept of war, much less imagine themselves in the midst of it. Here's an excerpt that hit home with me:"Perfectly sane, good men have been drawn back to combat over and over again, and anyone interested in the idea of world peace would do well to know what they're looking for. Not killing, necessarily - that couldn't have been clearer in my mind - but the other side of the equation: protecting. The defense of the tribe is an insanely compelling idea, and once you've been exposed to it, there's almost nothing else you'd rather do. The only reason anyone was alive at Restrepo - or at Aranas or at Ranch House or, later, at Wanat - was because every man up there was willing to die defending it."I can say from personal experience that coming back from my Iraq deployment, I was completely unprepared for how incredibly difficult it was to transition from that reality to working in an office and being productive and having a sense of purpose that didn't involve life and death. I was so utterly bad at doing a normal job that I tried to quit twice and was talked out of it both times by people that were better friends than I deserved. I'm still to this day trying to figure out how I come back and live in a 9-to-5 daily commute weekends off mow the grass nobody's shooting at me world.

I have been deployed to Afghanistan and know this area. I have been to the Logar Provence. I've been home a year. This book is written with visual description that I often found myself feeling as if I was physically there. I cried, I laughed, I rejoiced with the men of Second platoon. Thank you Sebastian Junger for such a well written and inner look at the men who endured those first tormentous years.

One of the best books I have read in a long time -- written with Junger's characteristically clear voice, I felt like, for the first time, I had insight into why men are willing to go to war, or go BACK to war. In the end, Junger found, they do it for the man next to them; they train together, they come to rely on one another, and they can't imagine letting their brothers go into battle without them. It is a simple but profound relationship, and as I look around me in the world of business, I find lesser -- but fundamentally similar -- versions of this relationship in the business world. Great teams do great things in no small part because they refuse to let their teammates down."War" is an intimate look at a small group of men at the virtual tip of the spear in the most violet, troubled part of Afghanistan. It is a clear-eyed look at the men, their peace-time behavior, their behavior under extreme circumstances, and ultimately their behavior when they return to society. It offers an inside view of modern warfare fought in the most inhospitable climate imaginable. It is a much more "journalistic" effort than some other relatively recent war tomes, including the novelistic "Generation Kill" by Evan Wright. Junger is up front about his own objectivity -- or lack of it -- but his level of awareness of his involvement in events seems to mitigate the risk.It's hard to say that you "enjoyed" a book with such a grave subject -- but I have re-read "War" several times, fascinated by the nuances and the lessons it offers. Junger is one of my favorite writers, and this ranks with "The Perfect Storm" on my list of great reads.

This book is the very best summary of the stupidity of the Afghan war and also a well written study of the emotional make up of courageous soldiers and what makes them psychologically tick. Junger is embedded with a group of soldiers in a valley near Pakistan. He's a reporter and does not carry a weapon. He wrote THE PERFECT STORM and is one fine writer. This book grabs you on page 1 and never lets go. Fantastic read.

One of the best books I've read in a very long time. The writing is clear and concise, but isn't dumbed down. It is a very compelling book, skillfully and successfully balancing the author's perspective with those of the people around him. The only criticisms I have a very small: a few photos would have been nice, a little chart/index/something with some definitions of military terms (company vs. squad vs. battalion) as well as a list of the different groups (Battle, Chosen, etc). Some of the info was sprinkled throughout the book, so I ended up making my own little cheat sheet to keep track of it all. I would recommend this book without hesitation, unless a person just wants an 'adventure story' and doesn't care about what goes on in peoples' heads and hearts {no pun on 'hearts and minds' intended}. If you do want just an adventure story, then still get this book and skip ahead when the author gets into detail on how adrenalin, flight or flight, etc works. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE FILM RESTREPO. If you want to see what this group of soldiers (and the author) experienced, see the documentary.

Sign me up as a Sebastian Junger fan. He doesn’t just describe action on the battle field or daily life in Afghanistan’s FOBs or COPs—he intertwines his sections with deeper meanings based on studies about soldiers’ psychologies in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq. He’s not trying to rip out our hearts with sad stories or encourage us to seek brave moments. He’s trying to answer why we fight using historical perspectives of humans always putting up his (or her) dukes to protect the brotherhood. Clever. (Probably time to read The Perfect Storm again.)

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